Shady Lane Apiary
Shady Lane Apiary Rules approved at board meeting on Jan 12, 2022
1. Any hives placed at the Shady Lane Apiary must be approved by the President.
2. The intention of Shady Lane Apiary is for MBBA hives, MBBA groups, and hives for specialized support of MBBA groups such the Queen Rearing Group.
3. Hive Manager qualifications will have a high standard to reflect the MBBA’s commitment to high expectations of quality beekeeping education inline with MBBA’s beekeeping values (No treatment free). Hive Manager considerations will be based on years of beekeeping experience and/or beekeeping certifications.
4. Mating Nucs are allowed at the discretion of the Apiary Coordinator, limited to one month unless reapproved.
5. Apiary Coordinator will be the point of contact for WDFW and will be kept informed of all communications regarding the apiary
6. Apiary Coordinator approves all siting of hives and mating nucs.
7. Any injury, loss or damage of property placed at Shady Lane is at your own risk.