Beekeeper Certification Online Courses

Mt. Baker Beekeepers Association proudly offers WASBA Beekeeping Certification Courses several times a year;

This is a WASBA Beginning Beekeeper Certification – online class includes WASBA membership, beginner workbook, class and certification test. MBBA Membership is not included – Please consider supporting our educational programs and guest speakers.  Registration is now Closed. 

This is a WASBA Apprentice Beekeeper Certification – online class includes WASBA membership, apprentice workbook, patch and certification.  Registration is now Closed. NOTE: Apprentice Certification requires completion of the Beginning Course and at least 1 year of beekeeping experience.

Who’s interested in working on Journeyman Certifications?

The requirements are rigorous for the Journeyman level; after completing the Apprentice level the candidate must: achieve 35 service points, keep colonies for 3 years, maintain a beekeeping journal for 2 years, mentor a new beekeeper, pass the Journeyman test with a score of 85%, and pass the Journeyman Field Test Report with a score of at least 90%. Email a request to if interested.

Thank you to everyone who supports your local bee club’s education efforts!

If you would like to be put on our waiting list for upcoming Educational Events! Please email